Syntax to call a SQL SERVER Stored Procedure

I have a procedure UPDATE_FACTORY with parameters (@season, @stockid) in SQL server , do you know how to achieve this task? I have tried sc_exec_sq without success:

sc_exec_sql("EXEC UPDATE_Factory ‘162’, ‘MERELLEBLKNAP-S1’’’,$DB_CONN);


Here a Thread for that:

You are missing parenthesis on sp params right?. And, I dont remember, but nit sure if Conn param could be a variable

Alvagar, thanks for the reply, but I was unable to find any answer strictly related to TSQL syntax

Giu, thanks for the answer.
As long as the conn param , I think you are right, actually I reported here as param, but it is a connection name.

About the parameters, first of all, I am able to execute the SP inside SQL server management , by invoking

This is why I put the same call inside the code.
I tried to put parenthesis, but with no success, alway same error as above (enabling debugging ).
I am sure that it is “only” a problem with syntax, but this is where scriptcase macros are badly documented in my opinion.

In the past, I was able to call SP without paramters , so I did again.
I wrote a new store procedure without parameters and I am able to call it, with connection parameter as I said.
Following is working code

$CALLPROC=“EXEC UPDATE_tradotto_factory_ORDTE_CH” ;

So, I still do not know the syntax in scriptcase to invoce a SQL Server Stored Procedure with parameters.
Hopefully, the support will read this post.

Don’t know for SQLSERVER sorry, but in my post you have a complete working sample of working with stored procs (mysql)