Tab Application sincronize other tab.

I have an tab application which the first tab is a form and another tabs are grids.
Is there any way when I move between register from the form, the other grid change the SQL query
I have tried this.
the SQL of grids have an WHERE = id [id] (global variable)
In the form on load event , I change the value of this global variable.
but the SQL of the Grid don’t refresh .
I try to reload the iframe each TAB(with GRID), but they doesn’t refresh the SQL


I remember that there was a faq on this but I could not find it, but perhaps I’m using the wrong search criteria. It’s not easy as you have to mess around with javascript. But it’s doable. The ideas is that every tab operates in its own IFrame, so the trick lies in the refresh of Iframes using the correct parameters. But I cannot do more than hoping to set you on the track of finding a solution, I don’t have it in full.

I have reload the iframe by Javascript, but this don’t refresh the query. Is there any way to refresh the TAB contaniner.? in the forms and grid this command are.