The grid table shows empty headers. I checked the language file and for some reason seems like the field level variables are different.
Running DICTIONARY updates does not resolve the issue. This happens in some other tables as well.
I have had this problem in the past starting from SC6 and not really sure if this is the browser causing it or SC but would rather guess it is SCriptcase. I’m pretty sure when I create new DCT all fields will be updated (as it happened in the past many times), but with 600 tables loosing some formatting for labels, data types, field types etc. would be a nightmare to update back to what it was (just to get 4-5 tables right).
If SC has stored the language data in some text file it would be very easy to fix but ion this case it seems like a tedious although very simple job (just need to remove “_edb” from the string to match the App).
Does anybody know any quick fix for this ?
I know I can Copy/Paste the field names from the APP to CDT but this will take a half a day for all tables which are not updated correctly.
Any idea how to fix the issue ?