Table with field names numeric

I have a table with fields named “4”, “5”,“6” … , which content is two digit numeric (e.g 0,1,25 …).
When I create a basic form , the contents of fiels appears as the column names 4,5,6.
Is there a way to tell scriptcase how to do the select ? ( I guess the select should be SELECT [4],[5],[6] … FROM TABLE … )

Thanks in advance

well… scriptcase is supposed to do that automatically but I found that they dont use [field_name] notation when they create query’s automatically so I think your best solution is to create an editable sql view of your table so you can change the column names without changing the structure (in case you cant) or to change the actual table names.


With a grid application, I can edit the select statement, changed the “” surrounding column names to [], and it works.
Really no way to do the same for a form application ?
That makes scriptcase almost useless , having to create views for nothing …

I disagree with you… using numbers as field names is not that a common naming convention and I can asure you there are some especific database managers which forbid the use.


This is right , but in reality sometimes you are not the dba of a production db, and you have to cope with that.
Anyway , the answer is simply I cannot do it.