
I would like to suggest some kind of visual tool to implement much better screen layout. Existing tools are very ackward and do not allow easily implement simple tasks. For example placing fields in a table, or placing several fields in the same line on the form… the list is really long. One of the choices would be to:

  • use existing mockup tools (some of them are free or under GPL license) and then allow to import the template into SC
  • use tools like Dreamweaver to create/edit templates
  • create build in tool to allow visually move elements around the page

any of those would work fine for me.
I know I can use HTML editor and edit existing SC templates but this process doesn’t have any visual part of it, therefore it is time consuming and it is very hard to predict how the result would look like.
As a good example NetMake can use Sencha Architect, which allows to do exactly what I’m talking about.
