Hello group. I have a Disaster Relief app that has just gone into operation. We have received over 1000 homes in under a day. The site is handling the traffic nicely but I have a BIG problem with some important forms. It is very strange behavior though.
We have forms with several Yes(1)/No(0)/Unsure(-1) radio buttons. Works fine for the original data entry, data saves correctly. but when going back in through a grid listing the cases, selecting the pencil (application link) to go to the record all the Yeses display correctly, The No however displays as Unsure even though the data is 0. Then if they edit something and save the update all the original No answers get saved as Unsure(-1).
Here is were it gets really strange. If I open up the form directly without going through the grid and use the GoTo box to select the record the radio boxes all display correctly.
Like I said this is URGENT URGENT URGENT. I am getting corrupted data.
Please respond, not for me but for the thousands that are expecting assistance.
Bill Walker
It is very strange behavoir, What SC version do you have? Originally Your forms were created with previous versions?
You grid have the values for field your radio button correctly?
Hello Alvagar,
Thanks for your reply. I have it fixed but it sure is strange. I’m using v9, yes this was converted from v8.1 but these forms are new.(created in v9).
What fixed the problem was removing the radio box options completely although they were correct and like I said if I opened the form directly (not going through a grid) everything worked fine.
So now we are good and the cases continue to pour in. SC is doing a great job with that and I’m very impressed with the performance even though I’m on a shared hosting account.
Again thanks for the response. To put it mildly I was very very worried but things are back on track and running smoothly.
Bill Walker