The best graphics solution.

Hi, I have some websites that I manage and gradually I would like to redo floor plan with scriptcase.
The problem is the graphics.
My sites have a graphical structure where the center has a white square where I was going with the traditional php to include the pages that I wanted to draw.
To integrate with scriptcase, I tried to recall the grid pages with iframe, but it is not a good solution … you can retrieve your files with INCLUDE scriptcase as for the php traditional ???
In this way I could maintain the graphics and redo the sites quickly and professionally.

a solution that I thought might be feasible is to take the graphics and the center scriptcase paste the code that is present in the file generated by the program.
however, examples in the case of a grid have about 30 files would be very large and the work to be done for each grid.
An alternative solution ???

okay, include normal php files is possible, even you can put them in sc library and call from events, but i think for your case you will need to work with blank application, or control perhaps

hmmm my personal opinion that SC is powerful but not for graphics, not for scenarios away from fields, functions, db connection, calculations and totals…etc. i guess dealing with graphics will require different approach, what you want sc to control in this case (functionality) anyway!?