The radio button does not display special signs initially.


In production only I face the problem that ?quipe is displayed as �quipe.
After clicking at the save button displaying is correct.
I saw such an issue on the web. Has it been reported and/or solved?

Single record form
Specific connection mentioned, without mentioning database in SQL.
MySQL databases
Latest updates
All UTF8 Unicode Swedish
Tables removed and imported again.
The form setup was even changed to UTF 8.


Jan Willem


Is the issue happening only on radio buttons?

This issue is usually related to charset configurations (php, sc connection or database connection).

Bernhard Bernsmann

Select field does not display initially correctly also.


I have added screenshots for the radiobutton and reproduced as requested also for type select.
And the correct lookup values after saving are shown.
The database is MySQL and deployed at


Jan Willem

Exhibitors in production.jpg

correct radiobutton after save.jpg

correct select after save..jpg

wrong select.jpg

wrong radio button.jpg

Lookup details

I have added a screenshot of the SQL statement. The application/form has the same connection.

Jan Willem

2014-06-03_09h53_47 single record form lookup SQL.png

Reproduced before deploying


A wrong lookup of special characters has been reproduced before deploying.

In a grid a button of type “Run”.
Both sc_lookup and sc_select show wrong values.
See the echo of values.

****** Start part of code
$Salutation = {ex[0][2]};
$sql = “SELECT SalutationNo, SalutationDescription
FROM SalutationPortal
WHERE (SalutationNo = $Salutation)”;

sc_lookup(ss, $sql, "conn_mysql1");
$Salutation = '';	
if (isset({ss[0][0]}))
         $Salutation = {ss[0][1]};
echo " sc_lookup = " . $Salutation. "  ";	

sc_select(sa, $sql, "conn_mysql1");
$Salutation2 = '';	
if (isset($sa->fields[0]))
         $Salutation2 = $sa->fields[1];
echo " sc_select = " . $Salutation2. "  ";

****** End of code


Jan Willem

sc_lookup() and sc_select() for special character and connection different form the grid..jpg

Is the data stored properly on your production database? Have you tried to retrieve the info directly from your DB?

What charset is set on your php configurations?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Setup details and reproduction

Hello Bernhard,

The MySQL databases and tables show ‘utf8 general ci’ in PHPMyAdmin.
The language setup file for the Netherlands also contains UTF8.
The application characterset is not set.
My four languages were immediately changed to utf8.

The difference is maybe in a default characterset for the develop session.
A simple save (and refresh) action leads to correct displaying for radiobuttons.

I send mails using a button of type Run.
A wrong character occurs before deploying.

$arr= [i];
[total_chked][$arr] = {EntryPortalLogId};

// The primary key is SalutationId
$Salutation = 3;
$sql = “SELECT SalutationNo, SalutationDescription
FROM SalutationPortal
WHERE (SalutationNo = $Salutation)”;

// Reproduction for Lookup
sc_lookup(s1, $sql, “conn_mysql1”);
$Salutation = ‘’;
if (isset({s1[0][0]})) {
$Salutation = {s1[0][1]};
echo " sc_lookup = " . $Salutation. " ";

// Reproduction for Select
sc_select(s2, $sql, “conn_mysql1”);
$Salutation2 = ‘’;
if (isset($s2->fields[0])) {
$Salutation2 = $s2->fields[1];
echo " sc_select = " . $Salutation2. " ";


I recommend you to contact our support team, and if your support is inactive, contact us as a trial user.

I will contact our bugs team regarding this issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

The problem is solved, thanks for your attention.

First, I removed specific language setup in a few applications in application setup.

The real cause was in language setup in Scriptcase. I have replaced UTF8 by Western ISO 8859-1 (latin1_swedish_ci)

The applications display differently when deployed without development setup.
After adjusting character set setup, it is important to remove and recreate the connections.
I think my handling in Windows, with ODBC, from MS Access is more stable with ISO 8859-1. I leave it this way now.
And importing SQL Statements from MS Access/Bullzip in MySQL, my files must be characterized as UTF8 files.

Note: The HTML message of e-mail, to confirm registration, requires coding for special characters.


Jan Willem Stegink

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Bernhard Bernsmann