Help, the version of the license data is different from the version of ScriptCase, I have license for version 6, install this version:
“ScriptCase V6 Installer EXE for Windows (includes Apache, PHP, Zend Loader) - Automatic Installation”
Archivo de registro creado con ?xito: error_f62457adedc32253682b83d04d7e59ab.html
Haga clic en este enlace para enviar este error a NetMake.
P?gina con 1 consultas,
DEL: 1creado en 0.03s
Undefined offset: 10 | Script: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v6\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\interface
mTrashClean.class.php linha: 1090
using windows 8, how I can fix, Thank you.