Themes - Advanced edit, unable to save changes?

I am moving the following thread into bugs as this issue appears to have been going on for some while.

Original thread here

A little help please…
I am running SC
Version 7.01.0014
Types Professional Edition MySQL Bronze
Running on MAC OSX Zend Server

I have a theme that I copied from a SC theme and renamed, now a public theme.
My problem is I wish to make changes to some elements located within the “Advanced Edit” section. I can access them but can’t save changes? they just revert to original values.
I thought it would be a file permission issue so chmod -R 0777 /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/scriptcase7/app/MY_APPLICATION/_lib/css and restarted server without any success.

Am I missing something…


Issue reported to our bugs team.


Thank you Bernhard

I’ve solved changing php.ini

Switches and enables
max_input_vars = 2000
Restart apache server
