Themes saved to public or even user not appearing in other projects, Scriptcase 8

I have a bunch of themes i have created in ScriptCase 8 using the editor. However these themes, no matter where i save them (tried saving under, User, Public and Project) are not accessible in other projects. I don’t want to create all these themes again for each project.


Ok, My workaround is:

Create some dummy (doesn’t matter what they look like) themes.

Locate the dummy theme folders under folder “css” in your “lib” folder for that project.

Delete the contents of those folders, in the dummy theme folder.

Go to the project folder with the theme you want, Find the css folder for that theme in the lib. Copy the contents and paste into the dummy theme folder.

Now the theme i created can be accessed in the new project.

For some reason themes aren’t copying over to the other projects, or maybe it only adds new created themes when a new project is created?

You don’t need this …

In one project you can create a new theme at Layout / CSS Applications (Themes). This new theme is public as default. Then go to another project and select Project / Properties / Themes and select your new theme … :wink:


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

@bartho: which issue? :rolleyes:

[QUOTE=RHS;29653]You don’t need this …

In one project you can create a new theme at Layout / CSS Applications (Themes). This new theme is public as default. Then go to another project and select Project / Properties / Themes and select your new theme … ;-)[/QUOTE]

Not sure how i double posted.

[QUOTE=RHS;29653]You don’t need this …

In one project you can create a new theme at Layout / CSS Applications (Themes). This new theme is public as default. Then go to another project and select Project / Properties / Themes and select your new theme … ;-)[/QUOTE]

This is what i do, but new themes are not appearing in other projects after i create them, they will only appear in the project i created them in. No matter where i save it.

Also I have more than one theme per project, e.g the login page has a different theme from a form page. I have locked forms that also use a different theme. Themes that i have saved to public are NOT appearing in other projects.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks


Themes that i have saved to public are NOT appearing in other projects.

Are you going to the new project and selecting Project->Properties Themes tab and enabling the new theme?

I always forget to do that :frowning:


@daveprue: :wink:


Your problem was solved?

If not, please send me pictures of the theme list of your project (what you want to use) and the walkthrough of the problem.

Thank you.

@daveprue & RHS

lol, okay. I completely forgot i even need to use that. It does seem pointless saving to public when i have to enable the thing anyway.

Either way thanks for your helps. Now i got dupes, my bad :smiley:

[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;29713]Hello,

Your problem was solved?

If not, please send me pictures of the theme list of your project (what you want to use) and the walkthrough of the problem.

Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Sorry i missed your post, problem was solved.

Had to enable the created themes in each project, didn’t realise i had to do that after creating a project.

Thanks for your help. :smiley: