Third party javascript

Hello all, i have third party javascript,which will select the multiple date. How can I import that javascript into the scriptcase? Or is there any option in scriptcase, from which we are able to select multiple dates in input form?
This is the script i want to put it down.


Re: Third party javascript

Include/Load the JS in onApplicationInit and make a function call. You will be responsible for placing the control on the form and saving the result since it is not a SC control.


Re: Third party javascript

Dear Scott,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you please explain me in detail about how can I load the external JavaScript? Since i am pretty new in scriptcase. I have scriptcase for multiselect calendar with css file attached with the script folder. I want this multiple date select calendar to appear,when i click the calendar icon in date field.


Re: Third party javascript

yes i have same problem with javascript on sc5

yeah well i have start working with well it is a software that was developed by Netscape to add more features to HTML coding on webpages and it is hugely popular in the internet…

Don’t use any global variables. The variables and functions inside your anonymous function will not be accessible from outside.