Time in SC

I hope I’m posting this query in the right section. :slight_smile:

I’m just wondering why scriptcase is not using my local time even when I have set the localization to my country English(Philippines).

The time that is showing in my application is still behind by so many hours compared to the local time of my computer. This means that SC is still using another timezone, rather than my timezone, which as I understood it, will be from the Locales setting.

Did I figure this one right or I have to set it somewhere else?

Thank you in advance for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Re: Time in SC


You should change the timezone in PHP.ini

Vitor Jamil

Hello, I make the settings in the php.ini file! time performs well, BUT this only works in the environment of sc! after they are posted and applications are installed on the server, the problem of evil once again time zone!
What can be done to fix this?

Change the php . ini on the server? This is a php configuration and is not uploaded with SC. You can also set correct timezone in php code by the way.

ya realice el cambio en el php.in de mi servidor apache y aun nada!!!
entonces en que parte podria cambiar esto en el codigo php???

El servidor que tienes es en internet o es un servidor local?

Es local, gracias por la ayuda, ya resolvi, el php.ini se encontraba en c:/windows/, estaba modificando otros que no eran, reinicie y listo