Tokens for other API's


Would it not be possible to add API tokens for other services like Telegram, Todoist, Band, Google Cloud, FitBit, … in Scriptcase?
If that’s to complex, it would be nice to have some tutorials on that subject. Similar to what can be done with WhatsApp I need te able to send messages to Telegram.

Thank you for taking this into consideration.


You can use curl. I can connect to a remote Wordpress site using their API with this sample code in a blank form and sc_webservice macro. I have also connected SC to Amazon AWS by putting their SDK into the External Libraries.

$customer_id = [customer_id];
$username = “ck_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
$password = “cs_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
$userpass = $username . “:” . $password;
$parms= array(
‘Content-Type: application/json’,

$parms = http_build_query($parms);

$reply = sc_webservice(“curl”, “https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/wc-api/v3/subscriptions”, 80, “GET”, $parms, array(CURLOPT_USERPWD => $userpass,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true), 30, false);

echo $reply;

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Thank you for sharing that information. How do you organize storing the different tokens?