Too much character / letter spacing in field titles / labels


I’m on 8.1.006 and get this?:

The label “Client” is very spaced out? I did notice the change log for v8.1.002 says:

However, I am on “006”, and I have re-generated the app, and cleared the browser’s cache - and this still happens. Any thoughts please?

NOTE: I have no special settings for the CSS of that field (that I’m aware of)




This is a setting in your stylesheet. Since the upgrade from 8.0.something to 8.1.something the themes change a little bit. Go to your advanced theme setting and look in there. I dont recall which one it was
but you can find it out by checking the stylesheet with firebug.
Somewhere they put a 1pt spacing in the stylesheet where it actually shouldnt be.

Thanks rr - I will have a look-see.

Yep - can confirm that worked - thanks rr!

To clarify, I edited the appropriate theme for that app - use “advanced mode” to edit that theme.

And then under:

Form | Multiple Records | label | Others | Spacing

I removed the “4px”, blanking that field out, and saved the theme. Then after clearing the browser’s cache it all appeared as it should.
