in scriptcase we have the macros sc_begin_trans(), sc_commit_trans() and sc_rollback_trans() which are pretty straight forward to use. The problem arises inside a transaction to check if a query finished as it was suppposed to.
As far as I know you can use the sc_exec_sql() macro to alter the table(s) but to check the success of the query you have to run a sc_lookup(). Well,… imagine transactions with up to 15 tables involved. You can type lookup statements until your fingers are sore.
So right now I’m using the plain php functions to get a true/false value of an operation but for the sake of consistency it would be nice if the sc_exec_sql() macro would return a boolean value.
If there is a possibility to retrieve such a value or mabe an easy way to intercept the error before it is displayed, please let me know.
Otherwise I would greatly appreciate (and hopefully others too) if the sc_exec_sql() macro could be extended in such a way.
BTW: Happy New Year to everybody!