MySQL 5.5 with tables in utf8 (storing 99% integer and double precision numbers).
The project default locale is English (ISO-8859-1), but the other languages are set up to use ScriptCase’s default CHARSET for those languages.
I’m not using Windows-1251 for anything. I develope on Ubuntu, so it’s a personal thing. :rolleyes:
I use ScriptCase’s ISO default CHARSET for each language. For Russian, this is “Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)”, plus Arabic (ISO-8859-6), Simplified Chinese (EUC-CN), Spanish (ISO-8859-1), and French (ISO-8859-15).
Popup field-help type displays the ? icons for Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
(Note that French displays correctly despite using ISO-8859-15, but French is also covered by 8859-1 and I do not test every nuance of French in the field help.)