I have a table with a grid and a form.
I use different local languages, so each field has its own translation.
I would like them in the grids, for reasons of spacing, the labels carry descriptions other than the forms.
Eg in the form should be: ‘No.registration’, while in the grid would be enough ‘No.reg’.
Still a checkbox field, the form should NOT have a label as described in its control, while in the grid column header must be specified.
The ‘noregistration’ field label in form and grid is enhanced by scriptcase as {lang_mov_fld_noregistration}.
I modify the label in the grid in {lang_mov_fld_noregistration_grid}, but by doing the synchronize procedure of the data dictionary I get the original ({lang_mov_fld_noregistration}) again!
Unsuspecting to select each synchronize the app to be valued!
Does this mean that a field must have only one description?
And for checkboxes where the label is in most cases not necessary, how do you behave?
It would solve duplicating the fields and assigning values to the event onRecord … a redundancy of data …!
Thank you