TreeView mode GrupBy ...

Hi all …!
I think in previous versions could be shown when starting a Treeview (+ / -) in open or closed mode.

 Open = When the grid  displays all the content and you have to press the (- treeview) to close.
 Closed = When the grid shows you would press the (+ treeview) to display the data.

 In version 7.08 I can not find where this is handled, if anyone knows? could help me.

 I forgot to say that for an application type is GRID.



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Bernhard Bernsmann

I was having trouble finding this myself. If you click on the groupby you made and click in fields then field name at the bottom of the field options is where you can set it to start open or closed. I only have one field and one groupby so if you have any more than that I’m not sure what the behavior would be.