Trigger form refresh

I have the problem that if you have a caption link on a field to lookup the value then there are situation where the onchange event is not triggered. Therefore I cannot do things on other fields. I tried to add a button to refresh the data, but if you use the button then an ok button appears and after that the form is empty.

It would be great if I could just add a small button to allow me to trigger some code in a simple way without disturbing my form.

A bit more explanation:

I have a field containing a personelnumber. I have a lookupgrid to find the person. After selecting I get the number back. Then I want to add some person (displayonly) data on the form. As I can only get one value back I need a select on the person table and fill the display only fields. But due to the fact that there’s no onchange event triggered I have nothing to go on to.