Troubles with FoxPro ODBC connection

Hi every body

i created a new odbc connection with a foxpro database, when i created and checked it, the connections show mee that the connection was successfully, but when i try to see the database tables, i cant see any tables and send a message that the connection has an error.

i test the odbc connection with other tools and it works fine, then a don’t know if are there a issue with scriptcase and foxpro dtabases?

foolish question, but which licence of SC do you have?

i have a sc ver 6.00 and it is and Enterprise Copper

The only thing I can think of are incompatibilities in ODBC version. FoxPro is pretty old and perhaps it’s odbc driver is not compatible with current standards. But looking at the definition screen there’s not much to do, so I fear that you need to get into contact of SC. I would suggest you try to chat as that is more direct than depending on email.

Are you using the OLEDB driver or the ODBC driver? THe ODBC driver is actually not supported anymore…

thank you for your reply, i’m using a visual fox pro 9.0 oledb driver, but i created a connection in odbc data access and it’s the connection i use in sc to access the tables

I think it is best to test a local php file first. Check out this:
The driver apparently has to be installed as administrator (I didnt know that one). Maybe that is the issue.
I advise you to check your connection first with a general database tool like microsoft access of even excel