I am not seeing this data type in the list. Checkbox is not what I thought it would be… I am importing data with a Boolean values, what data type can I use?
Hello Ron:
It all depends, commonly in scriptcase you will set a bolean datafield as either select (yes/no) field or a simple value checkbox. so teh cuestion here is what really is your problem, how do you wanna show such values.
I am importing from Access, where the value is either -1 or zero. This is not a friendly way to display True/False, so it seems I would have to convert all of my boolean fields to a text value.
OK this makes sense,but I assume I then needed to Insert, Save, and name a lookup table. Still didn’t work: I get an error “Error while accessing the database”. There is a “View SQL” option but it is not active/can’t click. Database has that field as Bit data type. I suppose I’m doing something wrong but I spent a couple hours on it with no joy. BTW the Help page does not show the negative field under Manual/Single Value. Thanks for your help!
Hi there… actually your problem is that you have one option too many, try to configure the field with -1 or 0 like changing the values in the configuration like in the image I sent you.
I have attached the steps I went thru. Checkbox problem 1 shows the Lookup: I had entered it exactly like your picture, clicked on Insert, then Save. The fields spaced out but the lookup had the single value. #2 shows the message. I must be doing something wrong…
Hello Ron:
Honestly you should’ve have any SQL problem, i think your problem is another, try to use the debug functionality inside The application section of your form, so you may see the specific query and the error.
OK I have the query from Debug, but do not know how to read the result…is there any documentation on how to do this?
(pdo-mysql): SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
as sc_field_0, TypeofAssistanceRequired, WaitingClientInfo, WaitingPartnerInfo, AppliedforSS, DateApplied, ReadyforReview, CurrentSituation, AlmostReadyForReview, OutreachClient?
as sc_field_1, Comments, CreationDate, ModificationDate, CreationUser, ModificationUser, FOVHelpedInPast, DatePastHelp, Arethereotherthingsyouneedhelpwith, AgencyYouHaveContactedToday, IncomeLevel, BillsReceived, WeHavePermissionForBills, ContactDSWSocialServicesDET, CurrentlyOnDuty, FirstTimeHelpRequest from ClientCaseStatus order by FKContactID, FKEntryDate LIMIT 0,1 [HR][/HR] 0:
ADOConnection._Execute(SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
…, false)[SIZE=-1] % line 1085, file: adodb.inc.php[/SIZE] ADOConnection.Execute(SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
…, false)[SIZE=-1] % line 222, file: adodb-pdo_mysql.inc.php[/SIZE] ADODB_pdo_mysql.SelectLimit(SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
…, 1, 0, false, 0)[SIZE=-1] % line 241, file: adodb-pdo.inc.php[/SIZE] ADODB_pdo.SelectLimit(SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
…, 1, 0)[SIZE=-1] % line 5376, file: form_ClientCaseStatus_apl.php[/SIZE] form_ClientCaseStatus_apl.nm_acessa_banco()[SIZE=-1] % line 1361, file: form_ClientCaseStatus_apl.php[/SIZE]
is this all you’ve got?.
There was also
(pdo-mysql): SELECT count(*) from ClientCaseStatus
But nothing else. except the error message as attached
Ok Ron:
As you can see in the error there is a query
SELECT FKContactID, FKEntryDate, EvictionForeclosureShutOff, DD214Received, ROIReceived, CopyOfBills, Income/Expense Received
as sc_field_0, TypeofAssistanceRequired, WaitingClientInfo, WaitingPartnerInfo, AppliedforSS, DateApplied, ReadyforReview, CurrentSituation, AlmostReadyForReview, OutreachClient?
as sc_field_1, Comments, CreationDate, ModificationDate, CreationUser, ModificationUser, FOVHelpedInPast, DatePastHelp, Arethereotherthingsyouneedhelpwith, AgencyYouHaveContactedToday, IncomeLevel, BillsReceived, WeHavePermissionForBills, ContactDSWSocialServicesDET, CurrentlyOnDuty, FirstTimeHelpRequest from ClientCaseStatus order by FKContactID, FKEntryDate LIMIT 0,1
Run this query in your database and check if an error appears, i think it has something to do with either your special chars like / or ?, or the fact that you are using SC_ underscore wich is propper from scriptcase.
My bad: I was lazy/tired and did not think about special characters in datanames. Also never occurred to me to run query alone. I fixed datanames and query works, as does checkbox the way you described it. Many thanks, appreciate your patience!!!