I am trying to pass a parm when I create my dynamic menu from my database.
I am trying to add
personid = 307
to one of the menus so when it’s clicked on, it will open the form for the prson table, but only show me where personid = 307
This works great if I create the the menu item like this:
sc_appmenu_add_item(menu,$arr_item[1],$arr_item[4], $arr_item[0], $arr_item[2], personid = 307, ,$arr_item[3] , );
where I have loaded an array with my other values, but I am not able to do something like this:
sc_appmenu_add_item(menu,$arr_item[1],$arr_item[4], $arr_item[0], $arr_item[2],$arr_item[5] , ,$arr_item[3] , );
where $arr_item[5] is a string that contains the words
personid = 307
Does anyone know how I can get this to work?