TXT export

Can you help
The following code works correctly but the first line of the file contains the field name (totale), how can I avoid it?

sc_select(exp, "
SELECT concat(codtessera, lpad(punti,8,‘0’)) AS totale FROM tbl_punti

if (FALSE === {exp}) {
sc_erro_mensagem(“An error occurred in access to the database.<BR>”);
else {
$file =@fopen(‘test.txt’, ‘w’);

@fwrite($file, $exp . "
" );

can I change the file name with the date of generation?

Re: TXT export

sc_select(exp, "
SELECT concat(codtessera, lpad(punti,8,‘0’)) AS totale from tbl_punti

if (FALSE === {exp}) {
sc_erro_mensagem(“An error occurred in access to the database.<BR>”);
else {

$t = date(‘dmY’);
$file =@fopen($t.’.txt’, ‘w’);

foreach ($exp as $fexport)
@fwrite($file, $fexport[0]."




This work.