Typical and Advanced Deploy different?

when i do a typical deploy to local Disk included common libraries and then rsync to my web server: Everything works fine.

when i do a advanced deploy to same location included common libraries and then rsync to my web server: I get the error “Cannot find common libraries in /scriptcase/prod”.

How can i fix this? I love the advanced deploy because i can make templates for deploying…

Best regards

P.S: SC 8.00.0027

The advanced deployment sets the paths (the ones you have in the setting for advanced deployment). If you do not use advanced deployment or if you fill no paths in then the defauls will always be taken.
Therefore please check the paths from your advanced deployment.

thank’s a lot. The advanced deployment works now after i deleted all path’s to empty. Maybe not a good idea from scriptcase to fill path’s in there, which not working :slight_smile:

Best regards

You have to fill in paths if you use the upload function and you want the location changed to a different location then the default. Most applications will run fine with the default paths tho.

Using the normal deployment is the same as using advanced deployment with empty paths as far as I have found out.