Unauthorized user....

I generated the security tables and modules just like described in the webhelp.

Some users get access to the SC forms, and some don’t. I have no explanation for this, because authorization is identical for all users.

Could this be a problem in their local machine?

Re: Unauthorized user…

Perhaps. I have never used the built-in security, so I can only suggest you use firebug to trace the results sent from/to the client and see if there is a difference.
Have you tried different browsers? or check privacy/cookie settings, etc.


Re: Unauthorized user…

This users(who have problems to login) changed the password ?

Re: Unauthorized user…

maybe this is related to the problem:

On my shared server in php.ini:

  • max_execution time is 60 (seconds).
  • session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 (seconds)

I’m not that familiar with sessions, but joomla sessions stay active much longer dan 1440, but SC sessions do not…

Anybody can tell me how this works?

Re: Unauthorized user…

try to increase the max_execution_time, is recommended at least 1200 of max_execution_time.

Re: Unauthorized user…

@Max, I think you mean session.gc_maxlifetime? (because this sets the session lifetime). I’ll try that.

A few users get the “unauthorized user” message immediately after login, like a session lasts 0 seconds. I checked and they have the right authorizations, and they user the correct username/password. It happens in IE8 and even in Chrome.

Could this be a local problem on their machine?
Is SC using any local data (cookies or whatever) to keep a session alive?