UNBELIEVABLE !!!! cannot restore an application from backup !!!!!!


I export my project for backup, after that I try to import just one application, I select Import application and find my backup file (the exported one) and confirm

Error message is : [SIZE=11px]The file was not generated with Scriptcase version 8.[/SIZE]

I generated it a few minutes ago

I’m on v8.1.017


You are most likely importing it on the wrong page. If you export your project then import it in the same menu section:

project -> export applications then project ->import applications

file->export project then file -> import project

same for backup.

It’s easily mixed up.

Thanks Albert for answering

But, in v8.0 I exported my all project from Project ->Export project , and to restore 1 app, I used Project->Import applications !!! and it was working fine

but with v8.1 not ??

The problem is that sc change some functions without any notices in change.log, and for backup it can be very dangereous.


I have had the same problem. I was suggested number of times that I must be doing something wrong. apparently NOT !
SC is very, very buggy and NetMake unfortunately does not pay attention to details in the development process, neither they care enough about fixing bugs.
After trying about 2 dozens of backup sets finally I send one file to NetMake tech support. They did something and sent me back the file. After that I was able to do the restore the same way I tried before. When I asked tech supp what what the problem they did not tell me, so the mystery is still unresolved although in most cases it is not a user problem but some internal SC problem.
The restore backup in my case was not the most recent one so I have lost some work. I’m thinking about re-sending them the most recent one to fix. What bothers me the most is that the backup problems were reported since SC5 and after 2 years we still facing the same problems. At one time NM even admitted they realize the backup is not working well and they will improve it. I hope they will but in the meantime we have to struggle with what we have which sometimes might be loosing hours of work.


You, not we. I readed a lot of others issues happening just to you.
I export/import projects several times a week. Our own projects and 3rd party projects under our outsourcing services, and never happened this to me. Sometimes, problems are very difficult to manage because just happen in some situations, and you can’t replicate this problems. You, as software developer, must understand this too. NetMake is not perfect and has very flaws, of course, but are not the devil or ignoring.

Don’t take bad my words, I agree with your statement, but sometimes is a problem of attitude and how you express it.

There are a phrase thath sais (sorry, don’t know if in english has sense).
“You get more with honey than with gall”

backup / restore needs a fix…AMEN

UP TO DATE 2016/02/02 this BUG is not resolved !!!

please return to the previos version of BACKUP/RESTORE projects and finish !!


I remember my problem with MSAccess (start on Sc 6.21 and resolved in SC 8.01) two years later !!!

we are on a tightrope

While Giu found a solution… Here is a TIP

You can OPEN the desired Project… in the Menu “Project/Export Applications” option All … you can save a backup in another way…
this saved backup is OK for Restore

@aquiles to use my magic, you have to believe…and I need a failing backup