I am receiving the following error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method security_form_edit_users_apl::nmgp_redireciona_form() in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase…
\security_form_edit_users\security_form_edit_users_apl.php on line 400
I have searched the forums/googled the issued of the method nmgp_redireciona_form not being defined.
I found a few references but no “answer”.
What I found in my case, is that in form security_form_edit_users I attempt to call sc_redir in the onApplicatinoInit event. This generates code
that attempts to call the method ngmp_redireciona_form inside of security_form_edit_users_apl.php but get’s the fatal error. It turns out that the method is defined
not in security_form_edit_users_apl.php file but in the field security_form_edit_users.php.
I looked in other security forms where sc_redir is used in a similar manor and does not cause an error. In those cases I found that the
call to nmgq_redirectiona_form and the definition are both in the _apl files.
Is this a bug? Or is it a limitation that I don’t know about in regards to the security_form_edit_users application?