Uninstlling Scriptcase Procedure leaves a mess. PLEASE FIX IT

I just uninstalled SC8 and I see that uninstall procedure does really bad job. It really needs to be fixed !

  1. The menu items still remain (showing SC8 folders etc…)
  2. SC8 folder still remains where it was (although some files were removed) - C:\Program Files\NetMake\v8
  3. Tons of SC8 entries in Windows registry (uncleaned)



You are absolutely correct.

I remember many years ago firing a programmer who wrote an uninstall script like that.

The top quality that a good programmer must have is attention to detail.
Also, good Release Testing would have caught that.

As my grandmother used to tell me, “Do not open a restaurant if you do not like to cook”. :rolleyes:


let’s hope somebody from net make will see this and react !