Unneded Grid Icons

How can I remove those two icons from the grid



Uncheck detail on gris options,and pencil is application link

I apologize for the image. It should show only one arrow, and I need to remove the PENCIL icon only. The problem is that I have several forms linked through the NAME colunm (as you see on the image) so I cannot remove those links in order to get rid of the icon. When you hover the mouse over that column it opens menu with 12 fifferent links to different forms.

I’m very uncomfortable with all those grid icons. The should be independent of the grid and the developer should decide which one to show or not. At this moment this is very shortsighted design. I just wonder if there is any workaround that.


Pencil icon only appears if you have application link AFAIK. If you dont need it (I suppose you don’t need it because you use field links) delete app link and its done.

BTW Do you know how can I replace this icon with a different one ?

Can be changed in the button editor.

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