Updating always shows 5 updates available

Platform: CentOS 6.5
ScriptCase v7.1

/opt/NetMake is owned recursively by daemon:daemon (this is the NetMake user:group ID).

All files and directories are writeable by any user. (Don’t even get me started on that bug…)

When I check for updates, ScriptCase indicates that there are 5 updates available. I click Install. ScriptCase indicates that the 5 updates were installed successfully, and that I must log out. I log out, log in, and check for updates. There are still 5 updates available. Updating is broken.

Here’s the log:

/****** DATE: 2014-06-02 17:33:36 *******/

/*************** LOG START **************/

devel/lang/pt_br/AdminMenu.lang.php => deleted
devel/lang/pt_br/AdminUpdate.lang.php => deleted
devel/lang/pt_br/AdminUpdate2.lang.php => deleted
devel/lang/pt_br/general.lang.php => deleted
index.html => previous downloaded and replace

/**************** LOG END ***************/


I will verify the issue with our team.

Also notice that you can perform a manual update to make sure you have the latest version.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thanks Bernhard.

I’ll read up on manual updating, run a backup, and then update.

same deal here… and for a few others on another thread.


Yes, same here.

Hello everyone,

This issue is being caused because portuguese files are being downloaded during update, although they shouldn’t.

We are currently working to fix this issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thank you Bernhard.

The Portugese do enjoy a good prank… :smiley: