
Since I have not heard anything and they have not answered me about small - big problems to the SC, I was experimenting with a new test installation on another computer.

We see that at least the mistakes I’ve described does not appear, as the stay doing something, without knowing it, but the helpweb definitely does not work.

In this test I could not do it with an existing project, because not let me put the serial number on another machine. This was to enable testing with existing and old forms; and the test continues Verson restore or import a project. It would have been ideal to test.

The question is, how does a complete reinstall without losing any of my projects. My fear is having to do a full backup and then tell me there is a problem and can not be restored.


Well you could maintain your old installation until you make sure that everything is in order on your new installation.

Also backing up SC’s internal database, usually a SQLite file under your SC installation folder, should guarantee that you won’t have problems to restore all your projects, as long as your backup isn’t corrupted.


1 - Backup your SC internal DB
2 - Backup all SC files (from SC installation folder)
3 - Restore on your new environment
4 - Once you are sure that all projects have been restored successfully, you can remove your old installation

Bernhard Bernsmann

I confirm this way. Here on our windows machine we first shut down the service for the webserver, then backup the entire scriptcase directory then restart the service and then do an update.
This way we have kept old versions and are still able to at least access a reasonably good working version of SC8 (also works on 6 and 7).

I 2nd rr’s solution. I too create my backups from within SC, but on each and every SC upgrade I do a full backup so I can do a full restore if necessary. Disadvantage is that you will roll back changes too, but that depends on the kind of issues. (Especially if you can retrieve the projects from internal SC backups).