Upload file to webspace folder instead database using scriptcase form

Hi there,

is it possible to upload a file through a Scriptcase form to my webspace and not to Database? This way my database 100MB does not get stuck with all the data.

For example: Picture that is shown in my grid after login is not in database but was uploaded in a specific Scriptcase folder at my webspace. In database is the link but grid shows picture instead of link.

For example: Word.doc is uploaded also to a specific folder. Grid shows the document even though there is only a link to it in database.

I hope I made myself clear…Thank you support!

Re: Upload file to webspace folder instead database using scriptcase form


refer this post for upload several files on your application…


Re: Upload file to webspace folder instead database using scriptcase form

Hi Netmake Support,

Could you stop this Nu-sense…! Disqualify user taotao010011, to avoid unwanted Posts in this forum



The link given by Dhana, is “pre-sale question”
(it might have worked at the time of the writing)
However I would to know how to do this. I’m working on ScriptCase 7.1

Best regards,

Hello Rasmus,

Please contact our support regarding this issue. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm (GMT -3), and our ticket system is always available.

Bernhard Bernsmann