Upload image failed - 403 forbidden

Hello Scriptcase world !
First of all, excuse me for the quality of my English a bit random :wink:

I am a new user for few weeks.
I deployed my website made with Scriptcase on my host, evrything is ok except upload file (image)
I search on the forums for one week , I tried many things but nothing works.

It works well on local but not on the website after (default) deployment.
Iā€™ve got 403 forbidden (in the browser console) after the end of the progress upload bar.

I haveā€™nt done any specific configuration during deployment.
for detail :
In the concerned application there is ā€œ/scriptcase/file/imgā€ in the [application]-[configuration]-[picture-folder] menu
and ā€œ/img_steā€ in the [feild]-[sub-folder]

on the website there is those folders (with 777 rights)
ā€”[project folder]

I found the image in the tmp forlder with key in the name like ā€œimg_steimage_565d4sfd5g654d.jpgā€
(precision : If I put manualy the image in the folder, and the data in the database record, I can see the image in the form)

What could I do ?
thanks for your help !

There could be different issues, rights is the most likely. Is the file type allowed?

It is not necessary to change permission of the folder tho 777, it works on 755 too. but you have to map the folder path of the deploying server You should set the server folder in application.

Thanks Albert and Naresh. Itā€™s was due to a firewall installed in a sub directory ! First issue resolved, but not the last :wink: