Use of sc_link to open a menu tab

Hi there.

According to the SC macro manual, sc_link allows working with modal targets.
Does somebody know a way to open a link with sc_link also on a menu tab?
Furthermore, does anybody know if there is a way to set the width and height of the sc_link in percentage instead of pixels?

Thanks a lot

Try to create a blank application with the required code and links in it, then in the TABS application link to the blank application.
When linking the application in TABS just enter iframe with as % eg 75% and height 50%

Thanks Nico, this sounds an effective workaround. I’ll try and work on it…
Regarding the percentage width and height, I meant the modal size and not the TABS iframe size.
Is there a way to adapt a modal opened link with %-values to the screen size?
Sorry Nico for the not complete question… :-/