User admin is already logged. Continue? This will log out the active user.

after deploy login I’m getting this error each time.

User admin is already logged. Continue?
This will log out the active user.

That means that you simply close your application without logging off…

no its fresh login, I never login before and each time its saying the same window popup message.

Then look into your database. Your session is registered there, so there must be at least one session. Did you migrate your database? Perhaps it’s a bit slack? Otherwise it’s a mystery…

Indeed, and let me research and let you know.

Hello I get the same thing, I am thinking I should have an exit button on my menu but I have not seen how to code this.
I use the login application then I get into the application itself, does anyone have an example for an exit so process so that sc gets me back to the login screen or somewhere else outside of the app?

Hi guys.
I’m trying to avoid displaying this popup (which secapp_logged in the security module).
Do you know anyway to by pass it ?