Usergroups problem with SC8 generated module

I have generated a security module. In the edit users there’s a field ‘groups’ to assign a user group to the user. However it is not in the list of fields, but it is in the list of edit fields and fields positioning. If you click on the edit field button of the edit fields screen you get a blank form called :Groups with three fields w.o. labels. One field is filled with the select two are emtpy and there are two empty buttons. I know it’s a n:n field relationship and the following errror appears if I edit it by n:n Undefined variable: arr_conn | Script: D:\Software\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\page
mPageFld.class.php linha: 9706


Hi Albert, Any Solutions for this Problem?
The Group Field Type “Select” dosn’t work also!

actually, this wasn’t an issue after all, and I got it working. But it’s been too long to describe what was the issue. I simply can’t remember.