using language message as variable !!!


Is there any possibility to change language message value dynamically ??
I use some language messages to change x,y and width positions off fields in invoice pdfprint layout, so user can customize is own layout

I know that all messages are in “lang” sub-directory in PHP files but, maybe there is an existing function to change that dynamically

If not, maybe it will be interesting to add it.

Thanks in advance

I did something similar on login .
Read about sc_get_language(); and then you must have a global variable to use within your code

IF [glo_var_language] = ‘it_IT’ { echo “Ciao” ;}
IF [glo_var_language] = ‘en_US’ { echo “Hello” ;}

// CG language selection from login form
$my_language = sc_get_language();
if ($my_language == ‘it’)
{$my_language_CG = ‘it_IT’;
[my_language_CG]= $my_language_CG;
[my_language] = $my_language_CG;
{[my_language_CG] = $my_language ;
[my_language] = $my_language;

Hi Giovannino

Thanks for answering !!!

But , here I would like to use language file as parameters : for example,
in layoutpdf Interface, I changed values xpos, xpos, width by lang_date_x, lang_date_y, lang_date_w

it works fine !!!

Now, I just want to make a form application to modify and save new values for lang_date_x, lang_date_y, lang_date_w .

Otherwise, I have to create same parameters for a second time in my own database, but it’s not the best way …

Best regards

in my case the Language is choosen at the login form and them I got the Language glo var for all application.
If each form entry can have a different Language connected to each singular record you have to create a column where to store the Language ID like it_IT, en_US… and with select field to choose the correct one .

Good idea to use language as variable. But you need to work hard it to make complete.