V9 terrybly slow on development environment

I still struggling with the umbelievable slow speed on dev env of version 9
It’s not possible to wait almost a minute for every change or saving.

I did already all modifications suggested to php.ini

[SIZE=2]max_execution_time 3600 max_file_uploads 200 max_input_nesting_level 64 max_input_time 600 max_input_vars 10000 memory_limit 1024M open_basedir no value output_buffering 4096 output_handler no value post_max_size 512M [/SIZE]

but nothing has changed.
I got a 64bit and with the old installation of 8.1 32bit I did not have any problem. Dev env. works normally.

Anybody of you has had same problem ? It sound strange that is only a my issue …

I have the same. I even bought a new computer with strong CPU…no result. See also my topic:
Mostly a generate of the source comes twice. So every time be patient…
There are two solutions: Start an other application or restart SC9 completly or better restart your computer. This is not the way of course. But what to do?
Regards Bert

I have the feeling that the new version 9.0.014 is much faster…let share the results.

Hello, I’ve just installed the 32Bit version and it works much better as speed. Has it meaningful ??? Absolutly not also if I’m not a tech guy.
Now I saw your message and I’m tempt to come back to 64bit … I wait that you all confirm big improvments on 014 version.

Same opnion here, after update to v9.0.014 SC is faster in development!!

For me it is ok now…

My 2c worth; it still takes a while to load at first compared to 8.1, but it is much improved when opening, saving and generating applications,

Jes, probably our …complaint has had some results :wink: Never give up ;-)) Bye Giovanni

Hi guys.
I’m having the slow issues now with 9.6
Is there anything to do to improve the speed ???