V9 Test - Minor bugs or suggestions from initial testing - pdf report writer


  • The new capability seems to be limited to an easier way of setting up a pdf report, but the underlying generator is so limited that its value is questionable. It is still limited to a single query? which is OK if you want a set of related information, BUT? you can get that from the grid apps without the need for such a rudimentary report writer. (notwithstanding that it IS useful for things like invoices, etc)
  • I?ve had some errors, with lines overlapping down the page, despite the relevant spacing parameter being set.
  • IMHO, for reporting, you need an easier way (than coding it from scratch) to concatenate data that is largely unrelated (as far as the database is concerned), but is important for a user. For example for a project report? list all outstanding actions, plus decisions made this month, top 5 risks, graph of effort vs budget, etc. These would almost certainly be held in separate tables with existing grids. All you really need is a way to print/export each grid/graph in order into a single word/pdf/excel download. At the moment, this needs to be all done manually. (perhaps adding a print option to a dashboard would suffice? not just individual widgets) [/LIST]