Valores errados depois da ultima atualização

Bom dia, ap?s a ultima actualiza??o os valores gerados pela aplica??o est?o errados. Ou seja, em modo de desenvolvimento os valores est?o correctos, mas quando fa?o o deploy para o servidor ao correr a aplica??o os valores s?o errados.
O servidor web onde corre a aplica??o ? o Wamp.
Algu?m pode dar uma ajuda?


You need to check which database you are using for development and production.
Try connecting the application development using the same production database. If this works, try to access a different browser.

Also Giu mentioned above. This is a forum for conversations using the English language.
If you choose to talk in Portuguese, you can use our forum in Portuguese.

I’m sorry i didn’t know it.
But i can explain here also, maybe someone can help me on this.
After i made the last upadate when I execute the application on the Develop machine the results that i have are correct, but when i made the deploy to the Wamp Server the results are diferents…
Any clue?

Thanks for the tip John, but the database are the same, and i already test with diferent browser’s. And the problem is the same, any other idea?

Wamp server is on your machine? I mean, mySQL database you are trying is the same in dev and in prod? physically speaking the same mysql server?

Hi Giu, yes all is running on my machine, excepted the SQL that is running on another server. Any clue?! Thanks for tryng to help me on this.

Can anyone help on this… I can’t understand why it give diferent values. The code is the same, the connection to database the same, the only thing diferent is that on Dev. it gives the right values, but on the deploy server the values are wrong.


Please, send an e-mail to informing this thread and the period that you are available for a remote access.
So, we can make a better analysis about this problem.

Hi John, thanks for all your help, the email was send, i hope that we can solved this.