Variable for table - not saving

When I enter values into the variable for table section of the grid application and then save, the entered values go away. I have tried several formats for entering the variable but no success. Is there documentation on how these are to be entered somewhere?

Sql is select nothing from jagup.
I have tried:
[reptable] jagup
reptable jagup
reptable in frist field jagup in second
[reptable] in frist field jagup in second

Which version are you using? If I fill both variable with any value and save, they persists. But I tried version 6.

mmm Never mind, I tried in 7 and yes the data is removed after save. Looks like a bug to me. Bartho, can you verify this?

Sorry. Yes it is version 7.00.0004.


I have reported this issue to our bugs team for further testing.

Bernhard Bernsmann



I have reported this issue to our bugs team for further testing.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]


I have the same problem. Did you know the solution?

When I try to save a variable for a table name, scriptcase erase values…

Can you help me pls!?
