Version number less than 1.0

I would like to be able to create a version number less than 1.0, something like 0.1, so I could create beta version and then when I release it, change it to 1.0.

Re: Version number less than 1.0

may be also give the chance to change the number on the second place after the point. SC is offering 1.0.0 in versions history.
But I did not found the place to set it to 1.0.1 yet



Re: Version number less than 1.0

I agree, it would be nice to be able to see all 3 numbers.

I am pulling this Thread up, knowing it is old, very old, but would nice to have even today …
Especially the third number in the version number would be nice to have for a structured work




I have just sent this suggestion to our development team.

Bernhard Bernsmann