VPS - any special Scriptcase needs?

I have a new VPS with Centos7 on a shared host. I am new to VPS, so I am going to have to get someone to set it up for me.

Google search suggests I should install:

Virtualmin with Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Webmail, FTP Server, Nginx, Wordpress.
Also security is needed and firewall configured.

Does this seem a reasonable brief for me to give to someone who will set it up for me?

In particular, I am unsure if Nginx is good with Scriptcase.

Initially I am going to use this for testing the deployment of Scriptcase to a web site. Eventually I may have outside users.

Is anything missing / would you add something to the instructions?
Any suggestions or advice are welcome.

A virtual host reacts as a standard host. To the outside there are no real differences. To run scriptcase on a vps I use the standard scriptcase stuff and I have setup the firewall to accept only the ip’s of the devs. To deploy you just need a webserver with php and a database. If that trio functions you can deploy scriptcase applications. There’s only one catch (for now), scriptcase support php 5.6, not 7 (yet).

Thanks for your reply.

Can you suggest a source for obtaining “a webserver with php and a database”?
I’ve googled and seen suggestions for XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
Is that what I should use?

>accept only the ip’s of the devs.
I don’t know what this is. What are the “devs” and what are their ip’s?


We don’t want everybody access our development server so we have setup the firewall to accept only the ip\s of our developers. I don’t recommend wamp for production environment, but for testing purposes it’s great. For production I would advise to look at Uniform server.

Hi Albert

OIC, thanks.

I wasn’t clear in my initial post. I am planning to use the VPS for deployment only. I am running Scriptcase itself on my desktop PC.

We use uniform on our windows vps. Don’t have experience with linux vps. But on regular hosting we deploy on linux w.o. issue.

Virtualmin with Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Webmail, FTP Server, Nginx, Wordpress.

Virtual min is a layer to manage the server.
Apache,php, MySQL,phpmyadmin, you know what is this
Webmail is not needed if you will not have a mail server there.
Ftp server, is needed to upload the project, bu I prefer SFTP.
NGINX. IF you will not have a lot of concurrent connections is not worth. Substitutes Apache. Apache well configured is enough.
Wordpress. This is a CMS. Nothing to do with all other tools you mentioned

I’m ussing a machine of Amazon WS, based on linux, so far is working fine!


Thanks for your feedback. Based on your comments:-

To run a Scriptcase project on a Linux VPS, I think I will install:

  • Virtualmin (with Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin).
  • Ftp server or SFTP
  • Firewall. [/LIST]

    Nothing else?

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    Exam question site.

    Hi, I would like to ask if any of you have tried to get scriptcase development environment running through https?
    Eg.: https://‘your-ip-no’/scriptcase
    I have tried to access the scriptcase apache configuration file but it’s encrypted …


    I have it up and running on Ubuntu 16.04 VPS and it’s working ok but I would like to use HTTPS

    🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉🚀 Next Monday (02/24), Scriptcase 9.12 will be released! Check out the new features before anyone else 👉