Re: Was anyone else having issues with SC yesterday???
Hi Chris,
I haven’t been on much this weekend, as I have been working on Turbo Tax on my 2011 return But I did report a long outage for SC last week. For me it was 4:44pm EST April 10th - sometime on April 11th. I know this because I sent them two emails. Bruna replied that it was up, but I sent them a reply that it was still down for me.
During that “outage”, I could not resolve the homepage or forum for the SC website, and when I tried loading my own SC it was super slow starting up. What I concluded in my mind was that they or someone upstream of them changed something to do with the scriptcase dot net domain name??? This must have been propagating out on DNS servers, till it didn’t work for me. It must have looked “up” to them during that time.
I don’t blame them, because I have had things like that happen over the years at work, where we are merrily going along doing our thing, while outside people in certain networks can’t see our site, etc.
It does seem logical that something has happened, since you noticed a glitch days later. Or it could be totally unrelated.
It was out for me for so long, I thought maybe they had shutdown… I even started looking at other systems I had evaluated in past, but at this point I feel comfortable with SC and want to finish this phase of my app in it. If I switch around it will be bad for me momentum-wise.
BTW I just did a lookup on the domain name scriptcase dot net and it is in Germany. I hope the SC guys read this post so they know that they were having issues and can fix it. It is a solid product with many positives, but connection problems with the site and system in the USA are not going to be good for their long term success.
PS Ted, did you guys miss that big storm system? The news stations in FL made it sound like the whole central US was going to be blown away.