Webhelp... How???

OK, I have a help file. I have linked help topics to their respective forms and grids. I have told SC to put a webhelp button on the toolbar of each form or grid form that has a help topic.

Result? Nothing. No Help button. Nothing. Nada.

There is nothing in the documentation I can see

So how is this done?


Re: Webhelp… How???


  • create webhelp
  • link to applications
  • GENERATE help file
  • DEPLOY help file to production server

I never had any problems with it. Did you perhaps forgot one of these steps ?

Best regards

Re: Webhelp… How???

Thanks for the reply. I get that. But how do I make the button appear on the toolbar is the question?

Re: Webhelp… How???


in my application this happend automatically, because SC knows that the page has a help page too.
Best regards

Re: Webhelp… How???

Check in the option ‘toolbar’ see if the button help appear.

SOLVED: Webhelp… How???

I had the webhelp button configured into the “Toolbar”. Everything else was, categorically, configured as it should be. The button would not appear in the application!?

I’ve removed and reinstalled SC 5.2 and now it’s working again. I think this is about the fourth or fifth time this year that I have re-installed SC to resolve crazy code generation problems.
