WEBINAR - Scriptcase release 9.10.010 presentation

Hello, I invite everyone to participate in the Scriptcase release 9.10.010 presentation. It will be this Thursday, February 22nd.

We will present all the new features of the version. New themes, new features for the Grid, and much more!

Sign up here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3955640852842347353

We’ll wait for you there!
Best Regards.


Cool, more bugs coming. Welcome!


when is version 9.10.010 available? I saw a clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yPypID6s4Y&list=PLDMYt0EmYW5xeVi6iHwaAReSD4s9K6IRk&index=5

I’m still recovering from the last update!