Webservice implementation SC + MySql and ERP system

Hi all,
I have to make a data exchange between a ERP system and mysql tables managed by SC project.
It’s a B2B project that has to exchange and sincronize data between the two environment.
Easy samples are Customers, Orders, RFQs, Products, PriceList and so on .
I’ve no experience in such kind of topics and I would like not reinvent the wheel once again.
Is out there something more or less “ready to use” :wink: , that make simple that kind of application.
If you have got yet implemented something like that tell me also pitfalls… and big problems to avoid.

The stupid way: sql examiner or check out devart
The mysql way: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/replication.html
A bit of googling does make you find more solutions…
The real question is how do you want to sync? From ERP to SC, from SC to ERP or vice versa. With or without some conversion?
You could simply write a mysql script and have it run every x minutes. What is the ERP made with, what is the table structure and so on. You would need to do some more invectigation in the details of your ERP system. But basically you have several solutions to get syncing working.

It all depends on the need-of-speed between the two environments. Do you need to exchange data with csv once a day, or realtime (using webservices). Best way would be to integrate your scriptcase application directly in your ERP. Other important question which system is the source of the data? You need to be able to decide which system is leading…

Thanks for prompt reply,
The ERP system is the master and I receive only in one way the updated data. I thing that once a day could be enough or in some cases on demand.
The DB would be sql Server but I need to check it.
The CSV solution could be the easiest one to implement but I don’t know how much is it sure in case of big files.
I have seen that there is a product called “nusoap” that can make something like that.

[QUOTE=giovannino;31076]Thanks for prompt reply,
The ERP system is the master and I receive only in one way the updated data. I thing that once a day could be enough or in some cases on demand.
The DB would be sql Server but I need to check it.
The CSV solution could be the easiest one to implement but I don’t know how much is it sure in case of big files.
I have seen that there is a product called “nusoap” that can make something like that.[/QUOTE]

Nusoap is a good alternative for websevices. But it’s a sync protocol, so you need to setup the serverside as client, and your front-end as server if you want to upload your data. If you select it by the client then it’s the other way around but you need to create a soap server on your master. Doable, but pretty complex. It’s mainly used to pass data realtime, so if there’s an update than the update is send through a message to all clients needing it.

If once-a-day is good enough I would go for the csv. As long as the php processingtime is high enough then there’s no issue. You can consider to build a small rest server on your master side to extract the csv and send it to the client. You can do that as xml, csv, json or whatever you feel comfortable with. Clientside you can then request the data is an easy way.


$xmlstring = file_get_contents(‘https://www.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ideal/getissuers.php?format=xml’);

Just my 2 cents.
If it is only one way and both servers are MySQL and there are coresponding data structures MySQL replication is pretty good and not too difficult to set up.

Also, but depending a little bit on the amount of data that needs to be processed at a time, since you can work with multiple connections in SC
you could easily connect to the ERP get the data, do what ever needs to be done with it and update the other database using a different connection.

It’s hard to say what is ideal in your case without knowing the details but whatever you implement, keep one thing in mind: (I know it’s early in the process but …)

If you have data entry in both systems and primary keys set to autoincrement make sure (100%) one system issues only odd numbers
while the other system issues only even numbers. You can probably imagine the chaos that’s lurking behind the tree if you don’t do it. :slight_smile:


Hi Jsb and Albert,
I think that csv approach could be enough at the beginning.
The other, using a web service, is too complex for my tech level…;-(( and probably not needed.
The ERP is Always the master and so I Always have that as reference . I prefer overwrite my tables every time about ERP input data doing a truncate and a total upload just do not have the problem of sincronize the systems.
About RFQs and Orders I will create my SC side ID when customers create rfqs and orders, when later I will have the ERP official confirmation back then I will update a parallel ID that is that one of ERP system.
It’s also interesting the Jsb way … It could almost easier to manage all the stuff and tables could be also almost big.
Ok… I will update about it.

if databases are the same then rr’s replication would be a good idea. It would require some installation and i don’t know about costs, but you don’t need to develop sync software.