What happened to collapsing blocks?

What happened to collapsing blocks? I have a form and set one of the blocks to start closed, yet it doesn’t do anything. I made a test form with one field in each block and set all the collapse settings different and nothing happens. I tested an old form that was built in v6 that had the collapse buttons but when I run it in v7 they are gone! Did this break with the last update?

If this is a bug can the forum moderator move this post to Bugs please? I don’t want to make duplicate posts.


Issue reported to our bugs team. Not sure if it is a bug yet, so for now I will keep the thread here.

Bernhard Bernsmann

I am running the same version and have no problem with this. Did you set the blocks to show the Title? This must be ticked.

Sure thing, and just leave label blank if you don’t want to see the title and still have collapsing blocks.