What happened to ZIP numbering

While using SC v8.1.20 when deploying project the ZIP’ed file was nicely numbered in sequential order.
End result was like:


When using version 8.1.50 this has been replaced with some random numbering resulting a nonsense filenames like:

this makes no sense at all and is very hard to read, recognize, memorize and so on…

PLEASE CHANGE IT TO THE WAY IT WAS - it was good and no one ever asked for change. Why you (NetMake) guys invent some things before asking the community first. Some of your inventions are nice but there are those which suck! ASK FIRST THEN IMPLEMENT - that what the forum is for


I was at first irritated about that, but I found out that the new zip-naming is quite useful.
It is not random, but Project<year><month><day><hh><mm><ss>.zip. It could be more legible with some dashes or spaces, but quite okay.
I can see when it was deployed even if the file is copied around and its modification date changes.

I agree with Orion. the new zip-naming is quite useful. The File generated: Project<year><month><day><hh><mm><ss>.zip is Good idea.
I would like to know why Aka is not agree.

I was actually fond of this solution which is - in my eyes - an improvement.

For me it is much easier for me to go by version number than by date. I think we should have a choice (perhaps in SC settings to select or insert a pattern). SC should at least read the version number from the project and add it to the ZIP